

Joined the Team on 7/12/23

Still Valid Employee as of today: 10 月 22, 2024

Audrey 从 2007 年开始从事物业管理工作,从行政助理做起,一直做到区域经理。在多单元住宅区工作时,Audrey 每天都要与不同生活经历和文化背景的人打交道,这让她倍受鼓舞。因此,提供无与伦比的客户服务是她引以为豪的事情,这让她非常有成就感,也让她能够对 Coda 社区的每个人产生积极的影响。

她对 The Coda 的终极愿景是成为该地区的终极社区/综合体,提供高档的生活和设施,以及宁静祥和的氛围。Audrey 坚信,要创造一个让居民真正感到宾至如归的环境,让他们在生活的各个方面都能有所作为,享受高品质的生活方式。

Audrey 坚信工作与生活的平衡,职业与个人角色和目标的和谐。闲暇时,她非常珍惜与家人在一起的时光。你会经常发现她在船上享受着

Khiary (Ki-Ree) Gayle


Joined the Team on 4/08/24

Still Valid Employee as of today: 10 月 22, 2024

With over 5 years of experience in leasing, management and customer service, Khiary (pronounced “Ki-ree”) has worked in the market rate conventional & affordable housing markets around Syracuse. This experience has allowed him to gain the knowledge to deliver outstanding customer service to Coda residents.

Khiary 坚信 "只要有周密的行动计划,任何事情都可以实现",因此他成为了 The Coda 的真正大使。他愿意提供可行的解决方案,并在执行过程中表现出庄重的态度。在租赁过程中,他表现出轻松愉快的个性,体现了尊重和积极向上的精神,这也是居住在 The Coda 的主要特点。 

Khiary 的愿景是通过培养强烈的社区意识,为居民和客人营造并保持一种迷人的氛围。

He is excited about the unforgettable memories and witnessing future experiences of Coda residents in their dynamic stage of growth.



Joined the Team on 6/03/24

Still Valid Employee as of today: 10 月 22, 2024

Jonny 拥有超过 7 年的维修经验,加入 The Coda 之前,他在学生宿舍方面积累了丰富的知识。多年来,Jonny 主要在校外学生公寓担任维护主管。Jonny 很高兴能帮助 The Coda 的住户通过维护设施来达到他们的标准,从而尽可能地让他们住得舒适。 

Jonny 在锡拉丘兹出生并长大,他希望通过培养强烈的社区意识来促进对该地区的热爱,同时帮助为选择将 The Coda 作为新家的住户创造一个像家一样的环境。Jonny 相信,建筑的安全性、舒适性和健康性可以帮助新住户迅速在 The Coda 找到家的感觉。

众所周知,Jonny 总是很友善,愿意提供力所能及的帮助。工作之余,他喜欢与妻子和两个孩子在一起。他希望与 The Coda 的住户建立良好的关系,为大家创造和维护一个安全的环境。



Joined the Team on 1/22/24

Still Valid Employee as of today: 10 月 22, 2024

奥利弗是雪城大学的一名大三学生,来自马萨诸塞州波士顿,目前正在攻读营销管理学位。他的兴趣包括营销领域的新兴技术、足球和地理,尤其是他对国旗和语言的热爱。在 The Coda 的机会将帮助他在市场营销领域站稳脚跟,并为我提供宝贵的经验。

Vanessa Vija


Joined the Team on 1/15/24

Still Valid Employee as of today: 10 月 22, 2024

Vanessa 是纽约州立大学上州医科大学物理治疗博士一年级学生。她本科就读于纽约州立大学基尼塞奥分校,并于 2023 年获得生物学学士学位,辅修法语和西班牙语。她来自安大略省温莎市,现居住在纽约州长岛。一旦成为一名运动理疗师,她就有兴趣拥有自己的出租物业,因此在 The Coda 的实习将是一次宝贵的经历。



Joined the Team on 1/15/24

Still Valid Employee as of today: 10 月 22, 2024

Adriana 热衷于技术和帮助他人。她发现利用技术对他人的生活产生积极影响是一件快乐的事。她是锡拉丘兹大学的一名大三学生,主修信息管理技术,有三个专业方向,辅修商务。工作之余,她最喜欢的业余爱好之一是钩针编织,这可以让她放松身心,在小项目中表达创造力。此外,她还是一名狂热的读者,通过阅读各种书籍来探索不同的主题。

Jerry Parker

Facilities Cleaner

Joined the Team on 08/26/2024

Still Valid Employee as of today: 10 月 22, 2024

Jerry is a new addition to The Coda team. He surely knows teamwork along with the Syracuse area as he is a long-time football player starting at age 18 with Syracuse Express, Syracuse Storm and the Vipers. He continued his love of football giving back to the younger generation by being a positive role model through becoming a youth coach for the Westvale Knights. Jerry now continues to play semi-pro football proudly wearing #13 on the field.

Jerry is extremely excited to ensure The Coda community, with all its amenities, remains a clean place for residents to call home. Be sure to give Jerry a thumbs up when you see him around the community!

Christopher Powers

Maintenance Representative

Joined the Team on 09/03/24

Still Valid Employee as of today: 10 月 22, 2024

Chris was born in Syracuse NY and has lived and worked in the surrounding area of The Salt City for most of his adult life.
He’s and avid outdoorsman that takes advantage of all that beautiful Central New York has to offer, enjoying such activities as kayaking the lakes/rivers as well as hiking local waterfalls and has even hiked some of the ADK high peaks.

With Maintenance experience of over 6+ he surely brings the necessary skills to tackle any issues correctly and efficiently for Coda tenants. A well-rounded addition to the team!
