Joined the Team on 7/12/23
Still Valid Employee as of today: 2月 13, 2025

Khiary (Ki-Ree) Gayle
リーシング・エージェント / RS
Joined the Team on 4/08/24
Still Valid Employee as of today: 2月 13, 2025
With over 5 years of experience in leasing, management and customer service, Khiary (pronounced “Ki-ree”) has worked in the market rate conventional & affordable housing markets around Syracuse. This experience has allowed him to gain the knowledge to deliver outstanding customer service to Coda residents.
キアリーは「綿密に練られた行動計画によって何事も成し遂げられる」という信念のもと、コーダの真のアンバサダーを目指している。彼は、実行可能な解決策を提供することに意欲的であり、その実行には威厳ある努力を惜しみません。リーシングのプロセスにおいても、リラックスした魅力的な人柄で、The Codaでの生活の定番である敬意と積極性を体現しています。
He is excited about the unforgettable memories and witnessing future experiences of Coda residents in their dynamic stage of growth.

Joined the Team on 6/03/24
Still Valid Employee as of today: 2月 13, 2025
シラキュースで生まれ育ったジョニーは、The Codaを新しい住まいとして選ぶ居住者のために、家庭のような環境を作る手助けをしながら、強いコミュニティ意識を育むことで、この地域に対する愛情を促進したいと考えています。ジョニーは、建物の安全性、快適性、ウェルビーイングが、新しい居住者がThe Codaですぐにくつろげる手助けになると信じている。

Harlee Farrar
RS / Leasing Representative
Joining the Team on 2/6/2025
Still Valid Employee as of today: 2月 13, 2025
Harlee is a dedicated hospitality professional with over 4 years of experience in the industry ready to become a part of The Coda community.
Coming from Syracuse, where she’s lived her entire life, she takes pride in building strong connections with the residents she serves. Thriving on face-to-face interactions, Harlee finds joy in seeing the personal growth of residents and cherishes the daily opportunities to engage with them.
Outside of work, you’ll often find her listening to music or enjoying time outdoors playing with her dogs. With a warm smile and a genuine passion for helping others, Harlee is committed to making a positive impact every day.

Maurice Brown
Maintenance Representative
Joined the Team on 1/6/25
Still Valid Employee as of today: 2月 13, 2025
Maurice is an exemplary model of determination. With over 25 years of experience in the HVAC industry and 7+ years of experience working in Plant Utilities, Maurice is poised to be an excellent addition to the Coda family. Utilizing his mechanical aptitude and experience in Plant Utilities building maintenance, Maurice can effectively perform assigned tasks, completing work orders in a most efficient manner.
As a dedicated problem solver, in opposed to concentrating on the problem itself, Maurice would much rather concentrate on a solution. In addition to problem solving on a mechanical level, his people skills allow him to show compromise in efforts of resolving potentially problematic situations within the Coda community. In short, he’s a “people’s person “who likes to fix things. Maurice’s enthusiasm is infectious and helps to create an atmosphere of exciting fellowship. When you’re at The Coda and you hear someone cheer “we got action”, you’ll know that it’s your friend “Mo”.

Nathaniel Wallace
Facilities Cleaner
Joined the Team on 1/27/25
Still Valid Employee as of today: 2月 13, 2025
With over a decade of experience maintaining over 10 properties, Nathaniel brings unmatched dedication and expertise to our team as Lead Porter. Previously responsible for CNY 6 and four additional locations, Nathaniel has a deep understanding of property care and cleanliness.
Born and raised in Syracuse, NY, Nathaniel recently returned home after living in Wilmington, NC. When he’s not ensuring our properties are in top shape, he enjoys spending quality time fishing and taking his grandchild on bike rides. His commitment to both family and work makes him a valued member of our community.

リース / マーケティング・インターン
Joined the Team on 1/22/24
Still Valid Employee as of today: 2月 13, 2025
オリバーはマサチューセッツ州ボストン出身のシラキュース大学3年生で、現在マーケティング・マネジメントの学位を取得中。彼の興味は、マーケティングにおける新技術、サッカー、地理、特に国旗と言語への愛です。The Codaでの機会は、彼がマーケティングの世界で足掛かりを得るのに役立ち、私に貴重な経験を与えてくれるでしょう。

リース / マーケティング・インターン
Joined the Team on 1/15/24
Still Valid Employee as of today: 2月 13, 2025
ヴァネッサは、SUNYアップステート医科大学の理学療法博士課程1年生。彼女はSUNY Geneseoで学部を卒業し、2023年にフランス語とスペイン語を副専攻とする生物学の学士号を取得した。オンタリオ州ウィンザー出身で、現在はニューヨーク州ロングアイランド在住。スポーツ理学療法士としてのキャリアが落ち着いたら、賃貸物件を持つことに興味があり、コーダでのインターンシップは貴重な経験になるだろう。

リース / マーケティング・インターン
Joined the Team on 10/10/24
Still Valid Employee as of today: 2月 13, 2025